Charisma is different from charisma

  • 13.04.2019

Undoubtedly, the presence of the head of the company a high level of emotional intelligence increases the return of employees and, as a result, the efficiency and profitability of the company.But there is a trap: the fact is that this capital is a private contribution to the common cause.

It belongs to a particular person and is inseparable from it.

Therefore, the departure of a charismatic leader often provokes the loss of this capital - and this is at best. And at worst - with the leader, those employees who are his followers, personal “guards”, and among them are often key managers, leave.

Of course, the new leader will have his own merits, but it will take time to build and rally the team anew, and time in any business is money.

It also happens that a company that relies on a bright leader gradually turns into “one man show”. And when this person suddenly leaves his post or, being the owner, transfers control into the hands of hired managers and goes into the shadows, the company's market value immediately decreases noticeably.

And the fall in the value of a business always increases the risk of losing the previous achievements and positions - up to the complete disappearance of the company from the market.

What is good in show business is not always suitable for other types of commercial activities. Therefore, to make a major bet on the emotional capital of a successful "top" is not worth it.

After all, even such measures as life insurance and health managers, only partially compensate for these risks.